Episode 615 - One On Every Corner - Scofflaw with Chalonda White (Afro.Beer.Chick) and Nik White (Chicago Beer Pass)

One On Every Corner travels to Scofflaw, located on the southwest corner of Armitage and Kedzie. Joining me for this episode are Chalonda White (aka Afro.Beer.Chick) and Nik White, host of the Chicago Beer Pass podcast.
Social Media:
Chalonda (Afro.Beer.Chick) - https://twitter.com/afrobeerchick
Nick (Chicago Beer Pass) - https://twitter.com/ChicagoBeerPass
Scofflaw - https://www.scofflawchicago.com/
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The Complete Whiskey Course: A Comprehensive Tasting School In Ten Classes by Robin Robinson https://amzn.to/42tFa0b
Art of Mixology: Bartender's Guide to Gin - Classic & Modern-Day Cocktails for Gin Lovers by Various
Beer Lover's Chicago: Best Breweries, Brewpubs and Beer Bars by Karl Klockars
Chicago Beer: A History of Brewing, Public Drinking, and the Corner Bar by June Skinner Sawyers
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