Episode 424 - Marx Brothers in Chicago, The

They were some of the biggest comic actors of their time, influencing comedians for generations to come. Today we’re talking about the Marx Brothers in Chicago. We’ll also talk about what happened to some of the places the Marx Brothers frequented back in the Chicago area during their time here.
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Four of the Three Musketeers: The Marx Brothers on Stage by Robert S. Bader
The Annotated Marx Brothers: A Filmgoer's Guide to In-Jokes, Obscure References and Sly Details by Matthew Coniam
Groucho: The Life and Times of Julius Henry Marx by Stefan Kanfer
The Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection (The Cocoanuts / Animal Crackers / Monkey Business / Horse Feathers / Duck Soup)
https://amzn.to/3vcEOeE [Blu-ray]
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