Feb. 5, 2022

Episode 414 - World's Fair of 1893 with author Michael Finney, The

Episode 414 - World's Fair of 1893 with author Michael Finney, The

The World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893 showcased the people and cultures from 46 countries on 690 acres of land south of downtown Chicago a little more than 20 years after the Great Fire of 1871 decimated the city.

27 million people visited the World’s Fair at a time when the country’s population was not quite 63 million, proving to all that Chicago had truly risen from the ashes.

Today I’m talking with Michael Finney, who not only authored 1893 Chicago's Columbian Exposition: Arts & Culture from the Doorstep of the 20th Century, but also directed the documentary “1893 Chicago’s Columbian Exposition.”

Get out and see live theater:

The Simon & Garfunkel Story
Come From Away

Amazon Affiliate Links (anything you buy - not just this stuff - through these links helps benefit the show):

1893 Chicago's Columbian Exposition: Arts & Culture from the Doorstep of the 20th Century by Michael Finney
https://amzn.to/3AZZJEj (Paperback)
https://amzn.to/3seTBEr (Audible Audiobook)
https://amzn.to/3J1DFMj (FREE with Kindle Unlimited)

Join Kindle Unlimited here: https://amzn.to/2WsP1GH

Art in the Gallery of the 1893 World's Fair: Enlarged Illustrated Special Edition by Charles Kurtz
https://amzn.to/34juuIp (Paperback)
https://amzn.to/3HtIwFF (Kindle Edition)
White City of Color: 1893 World's Fair, The by Mark Bussler
https://amzn.to/3HrxUr7 (Hardcover)
https://amzn.to/3HtyOTM (Paperback)
https://amzn.to/35DncQ4 (Kindle)

1893: Chicago's Columbian Exposition - directed by Michael Finney
https://amzn.to/3seU9tZ (Amazon Prime Streaming)

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Looking to get out and explore Chicago? Here are a few ideas:
Chicago Movie Tours

Chicago Detours: Tours For Curious People

Podcast art by John K. Schneider - angeleyesartjks on Instagram or at angeleyesartjks@gmail.com

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